Rails UI Frameworks and Component libraries
Building backends with Rails is amazingly fast.
Building responsive frontends is also easy with Hotwire.
But styling elements can take up a lot of time.
TailwindCSS & ViewComponent make creating frontend components easier… but you still need to do the work creating them 💩
Ultimately you want to have resuable components across different apps.
You will want a Rails UI component library.
Rails Component libraries #
In no particular order
phlexyui.com #
nitrokit.dev #
By mikker
rubyui.com #
By SethHorsley & cirdesh
ui.darksea.dev #
By darkseadev
rapidrails.cc #
By ahmednadar
css-zero #
By lazaronixon
RailsUI #
By justalever
shadcn.rails-components.com #
By Avi Flombaum
polaris_view_components #
By kirplatonov & co
Polaris is based on the Shopify design system.
zestui.com #
By ???????? 🥸
railsdesigner.com #
By Eelco
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