The magic of Rolify is not in just assigning user roles, but in assigning user roles to resources.

Meaning, 2 different posts can easily have different admins and moderators.

But Rolify has no default scopes to see all user with a role for a post, or all posts that a user has a role for.

Here are some example relationship scopes that you can add to your models and fix the “problem”:

Scoping #


has_many :posts, through: :roles, source: :resource, source_type: :Post
has_many :moderated_posts, -> { where(roles: {name: :moderator}) }, through: :roles, source: :resource, source_type: :Post

let’s you do

# => [ all the posts where the @user has a role ]
# => [ all the posts where the @user has a moderator ]


has_many :users, through: :roles, class_name: 'User', source: :users
has_many :moderators, -> { where(:roles => {name: :moderator}) }, through: :roles, class_name: 'User', source: :users

let’s you do

# => [ all the users that have a role in this post ]
# => [ all the users that have a moderator role in this post ]