HTML has evolved a lot over the years and has added a lot of “RICH” elements.

Here are some cool HTML elements that I’ve just recently learned about:

1. <datalist> #

<datalist> - lightweight autocomplete

MDN datalist docs

html datalist

Example of using <datalist> in a rails form:

  • add a collection for the datalist:
# app/models/post.rb
  DEFAULT_COUNTRIES = ["European Union", "United States", "China", "Ukraine", "United Kingdom"].freeze
  • add a datalist collection with an ID ('default-countries')
  • add list attribute to a text field, pointing to the datalist collection with an ID ('default-countries')
# app/views/posts/_form.html.erb
<%= form.text_field :icon, list: 'default-countries', placeholder: "select or add your own" %>
  <datalist id="default-countries">
    <% Post::DEFAULT_COUNTRIES.each do |x| %>
      <option value="<%= x %>"></option>
    <% end %>
  • same as above, different syntax:
# app/views/posts/_form.html.erb
<%= form.text_field :icon, list: "default-countries", placeholder: "select or add your own" %>
  <datalist id="default-countries">
    <%= options_for_select(Post::DEFAULT_COUNTRIES) %>

datalist with rails

2. <details> #

<details> - dropdowns without any extra CSS/JS!

MDN details docs

html details

3. <meter> #

<meter> - progress bar that changes color based on fill

MDN meter docs

html meter

4. <progress> #

<progress> - progress bar with ZERO extra CSS

MDN progress docs

html progress

My initial tweet about this