Parse JSON with Ruby on Rails
JSON is possibly the most popular format for sharing data via API.
Sometimes you just have a JSON that you have to feed into your app.
First, here’s an example json file:
// db/view_data/superails-episodes.json
"rank_number": 103,
"title": "Ruby on Rails #103 Simple Omniauth without Devise",
"description": "Previously I’ve covered \"Github omniauth with Devise\".\nAn even simpler solution would be to sign in via a social login provider (Github) without Devise at all! \nHere’s the easiest way to create your whole social authentication solution from zero!\n",
"tags": [
"rank_number": 102,
"title": "Ruby on Rails #102 Email Calendar Invite",
"description": "In THIS episode we will EMAIL calendar invites and automatically add them to a users calendar!\nWe will also handle updating/cancelling events!\n",
"tags": [
"rank_number": 101,
"title": "Ruby on Rails #101 iCalendar and .ics format. Add events to calendar",
"description": "Learn to create valid calendar events, that a user can download as an .ics file and add to his calendar!\n",
"tags": [
1. Parse JSON with Ruby: #
path = "/Users/yaroslavshmarov/Downloads/superails-episodes.json"
data =
require 'json'
json = JSON.parse(data)
# => 103 { |element| element['title'] }
# =>
# ["Ruby on Rails #103 Simple Omniauth without Devise",
# "Ruby on Rails #102 Email Calendar Invite",
# "Ruby on Rails #101 iCalendar and .ics format. Add events to calendar"]
json.first['title'] = 'New title'
# write to the json file
File.write(path, JSON.dump(data))
2. Parse JSON within Rails: #
data ='./db/fixtures/superails-episodes.json')
json = JSON.parse(data)
3. Parse JSON from a remote URL #
require 'open-uri'
path = ""
uri =
uri_json = JSON.load(uri)
That’s it! ðŸ¤
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