Instead of storing static data a database, you can create a structured YML or JSON file and parse it from your Ruby/Rails app.

I really like the data structure of a .yml file, because the syntax is much cleaner than .json.

Here’s an example list of SupeRails episodes in the YAML format:

# db/view_data/superails-episodes.yml
- rank_number: 103
  title: "Ruby on Rails #103 Simple Omniauth without Devise"
  description: |
    Previously I’ve covered "Github omniauth with Devise".
    An even simpler solution would be to sign in via a social login provider (Github) without Devise at all! 
    Here’s the easiest way to create your whole social authentication solution from zero!
    - omniauth
    - authentication

- rank_number: 102
  title: "Ruby on Rails #102 Email Calendar Invite"
  description: |
    In THIS episode we will EMAIL calendar invites and automatically add them to a users calendar!
    We will also handle updating/cancelling events!
    - icalendar
    - email
    - action-mailer

- rank_number: 101
  title: "Ruby on Rails #101 iCalendar and .ics format. Add events to calendar"
  description: |
    Learn to create valid calendar events, that a user can download as an .ics file and add to his calendar!
    - icalendar

You can parse this data (convert it into a Hash or Array) using Ruby on Rails native yaml parsers!

1. Parse a local YAML file with pure Ruby: #

require 'yaml'
path = "/Users/yaroslavshmarov/Downloads/superails-episodes.yml"
@episodes = YAML::load

# => "Ruby on Rails #103 Simple Omniauth without Devise"

# write to the yaml file
@episodes.first['title'] = 'New title'
File.write(path, @episodes.to_yaml)

Source: Ruby YAML docs

2. Parse a YAML file inside a Rails app: #

# a controller action
  # @episodes = YAML::load"#{Rails.root.to_s}/db/fixtures/superails-episodes.yml") # ruby way
  @episodes = YAML.load_file('db/fixtures/superails-episodes.yml') # rails way

Render the results in a view:

# a view
<% @episodes.each do |episode| %>
  <%= episode.fetch('name') %>
  <%= episode['title'] %>
<% end %>

3. Parse YAML from a remote URL, fix Psych::DisallowedClass #

require 'open-uri'
path = ""
uri =
yaml = YAML.load_file uri, permitted_classes: [Date]
# yaml = YAML.load, permitted_classes: [Date]

yaml.each do |event|
    name: event["name"],
    location: event["location"],
    start_date: event["start_date"]

Source: Rails YAML.load_file docs

That’s it! ðŸ¤