StimulusJS autopaste controller
import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"
// EXAMPLE 1: display input from a field in HTML
// <div class="field" data-controller="autopaste">
// <%= form.text_field :name, data: { autopaste_target: 'input', action: "keyup->autopaste#paste" } %>
// <span data-autopaste-target="output"></span>
// EXAMPLE 2: copy input from one field to other field
// <div data-controller="autopaste">
// <%= form.text_field :name, data: { autopaste_target: 'input', action: "keyup->autopaste#paste" } %>
// <%= form.text_field :slug, data: { autopaste_target: 'output' } %>
// </div>
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = [ "input", "output" ]
connect() {
console.log('autopaste in da house')
paste () {
// console.log(this.outputTarget.value)
// console.log(this.inputTarget.value)
this.outputTarget.value = this.inputTarget.value
paste_regex () {
// Alternatively, you could add regex to the output field. Example: = this.inputTarget.value.replace(/_/g, "-") = /g, "-")
this.outputTarget.value =
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