If you are building a PWA, you might want to still allow users toto share an URL to current page, so that another user can open it in a browser.

You could add a copy URL to clipboard button, but a better approach would be to use the Browser Navigator API.

Here’s how it looks on desktop:

Navigator API social-share-desktop


Navigator API social-share-mobile

Let’s build the share button!

rails g stimulus social-share
// app/javascript/controllers/social_share_controller.js
import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"
// <!-- Social Share Button -->
export default class extends Controller {
  static values = { url: String }

  // hide the share button if it's not supported by a browser
  connect() {
    if (!navigator.share) {
      this.element.hidden = true;

  share(event) {
    // prevent form submit & redirect
    // share!
    navigator.share({url: this.urlValue});

Finally, add this button to any (or all) URLs in your app:

button_to 'Share', '#', data: { controller: 'social-share', social_share_url_value: request.url, action: 'click->social-share#share'}

That’s it!