In previous blogposts of the Hotwire Native series I introduced helpers like viewport_meta_tag, platform_identifier & bridge_form_with.

Pop navigation only on Native #

If after opening a page you don’t want to allow navigating to the last cached page, you will want to pop navigation with turbo_action: 'replace', like it’s done in joemasilotti/daily-log/.

But you will likely want to apply this navigation pattern only on native.

Create this helper

# app/helpers/hotwire_native_helper.rb
  def replace_if_native
    return 'replace' if turbo_native_app?


And apply it:

<%= form_for session_path(resource_name), data: { turbo_action: replace_if_native } do |form| %>

You will want to use replace_if_native on:

  • Authentication pages
  • Forms that open in a native modal

Learn more about Turbo replace

Sometimes on the web you want to open an internal url in a new tab (target: "_blank").

But if you have target blank in a Hotwire Native app, it will open your internal link in an in-app browser 🚩🚩🚩

=> I came up with this helper to override the link_to to remove target blank from internal links in Native apps

# app/helpers/hotwire_native_helper.rb
def link_to(name = nil, options = nil, html_options = {}, &block)
    html_options[:target] = '' if turbo_native_app? && internal_url?(url_for(options))
    super(name, options, html_options, &block)


  def internal_url?(url)
    uri = URI.parse(url)
    return true if uri.path.present? &&
    return true if url.include?(root_url)


More patterns to come, as I dive deeper into Hotwire Native!