Previously I wrote about:

1) Hotwire Turbo Modals

2) HTML Modals with Dialog element

We can combine the two to make the perfect modals!


  • leverage HTML <dialog> (default styling, close behaviours)
  • turbo frames: dynamic modal content, navigation
  • handle form validation errors
  • conditionally close modal after successful form submit
  • respond with turbo_steam/redirect/turbo_frame refresh

Working example:

turbo modal with html dialog element

We will import dialog_controller.js from the previous post.

Additionally to handle turbo frames, we will:

  • add a frame_target that we clean up when dialog is closed
  • add submitEnd that is fired when a form is submitted successfully
// app/javascript/controllers/dialog_controller.js
import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"

// Connects to data-controller="dialog"
export default class extends Controller {
-  static targets = ["modal"]
+  static targets = ["modal", "frame"]

  connect() {
    this.modalTarget.addEventListener("close", this.enableBodyScroll.bind(this))

  disconnect() {
    this.modalTarget.removeEventListener("close", this.enableBodyScroll.bind(this))

  open() {

+ submitEnd(e) {
+   if (e.detail.success) {
+     this.close()
+   }
+ }

  close() {
    // clean up the frame
+    this.frameTarget.removeAttribute("src")
+    this.frameTarget.innerHTML = ""

  enableBodyScroll() {

  clickOutside(event) {
    if ( === this.modalTarget) {

Add dialog to layout to enable access to it globally.

  • data-controller="dialog" should be on <body>, so that click->dialog#open works anywhere
  • Empty turbo_frame_tag :modal inside <dialog>
  • data: {dialog_target: "frame"} needed to remove content from frame when dialog is closed
# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
<body data-controller="dialog" data-action="click->dialog#clickOutside">
  <dialog data-dialog-target="modal"
          class="backdrop:bg-gray-400 backdrop:bg-opacity-90 z-10 rounded-md border-4 bg-sky-900 w-full md:w-2/3 mt-24">
    <div class="p-8">
      <button class="font-bold float-right" data-action="dialog#close">X</button>
      <%= turbo_frame_tag :modal, data: {dialog_target: "frame"} %>

  <main class="">
    <button data-action="click->dialog#open">Open dialog</button>
    <%= yield %>

Now you can add data: { turbo_frame: :modal, action: "dialog#open" } to any link in your app. It will:

1) open dialog

2) replace the content of turbo_frame: :modal with content from the rendered page

<%= link_to 'Add comment', new_comment_path, data: { turbo_frame: :modal, action: "dialog#open" } %>
  • Content missing?
  • => Wrap the page into turbo_frame_tag :modal

  • Modal does not close after successful form submit?
  • => add data-action="turbo:submit-end->dialog#submitEnd" to ensure that dialog is closed after successful form submit
# comments/new.html.erb
+<%= turbo_frame_tag :modal do %>
  <h1 class="font-bold text-4xl">New comment</h1>
+  <div data-action="turbo:submit-end->dialog#submitEnd">
    <%= render "form", comment: @comment %>
+  </div>
+<% end %>

Refactoring #

Problems with the above approach:

  • We were needlessly adding a stimulus controller on the BODY html tag;
  • dialog html was present in the layout file, even if we do not need it right now;


Let’s remove the <dialog> from the layout file, and leave an empty turbo_frame_tag :modal

# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
    <%= turbo_frame_tag :modal %>
    <%= yield %>

We will open

# app/views/layouts/_turbo_dialog.html.erb
<%= turbo_frame_tag :modal do %>
  <dialog data-controller="dialog" data-action="click->dialog#clickOutside"
          class="backdrop:bg-gray-400 backdrop:bg-opacity-90 z-10 rounded-md border-4 bg-sky-900 w-full md:w-2/3 mt-24">
    <div class="p-8">
      <button class="bg-slate-400" data-action="dialog#close">Cancel</button>

      <%= yield %>

<% end %>

Wrap the views that should be rendered inside the modal with the new _turbo_dialog partial:

# app/views/comments/new.html.erb
# app/views/comments/edit.html.erb
# app/views/comments/show.html.erb
- <%= turbo_frame_tag :modal do %>
+ <%= render 'layouts/turbo_dialog' do %>

So now when a user clicks on a link that should open inside a modal, the content will be rendered within a hidden <dialog>. Let’s update the stimulus controller to automatically open this dialog:

// app/javascript/controllers/dialog_controller.js
// app/javascript/controllers/dialog_controller.js
import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"

// Connects to data-controller="dialog"
export default class extends Controller {
  connect() {
    // needed because ESC key does not trigger close event
    this.element.addEventListener("close", this.enableBodyScroll.bind(this))

  disconnect() {
    this.element.removeEventListener("close", this.enableBodyScroll.bind(this))

  // hide modal on successful form submission
  // data-action="turbo:submit-end->turbo-modal#submitEnd"
  submitEnd(e) {
    if (e.detail.success) {

  open() {

  close() {
    // clean up modal content
+    const frame = document.getElementById('modal')
+    frame.removeAttribute("src")
+    frame.innerHTML = ""

  enableBodyScroll() {

  clickOutside(event) {
    if ( === this.element) {

We also cleaned up the redundant stimulus targets!

Perfect! Visually everything works the same, but this code is much better! 🎯

Disable certain pages to be opened outside modal #

# app/controllers/comments_controller.rb
  before_action :ensure_frame_response, only: [:new, :create, :edit, :update]

  def ensure_frame_response
    redirect_to root_path unless turbo_frame_request?

Testing turbo frame requests #

get new_comment_path, headers: {"Turbo-Frame" => "new_comment"}
assert_response :success

post comment_path(comment), params: {comment: {body: 'foo'}}, headers: {"Turbo-Frame" => "new_comment"}
assert_response :success

Well, that’s it!

This approach works well for hotwire-based modals.

Source code