#2 Turbo Stream inboxes to inboxes/index. Lazy load form. Replace form on submit.
TASK 2: Lazy load form, stream new inboxes to index without refresh #
1. Turbo stream - new inboxes to inboxes index without refreshing the page #
class Inbox < ApplicationRecord
has_many :messages, -> { order(created_at: :desc) }, dependent: :destroy
validates :name, presence: true, uniqueness: true
# add on top
# after_create_commit {broadcast_prepend_to "inboxes"}
# add on bottom
# after_create_commit {broadcast_append_to "inboxes"}
# after_destroy_commit { broadcast_remove_to "inboxes" }
# after_update_commit { broadcast_update_to "inboxes" }
# broadcast all activity (create, update, destroy)
broadcasts_to ->(inbox) { :inboxes }
<%= turbo_stream_from "inboxes" %>
<div id="inboxes">
<%= render @inboxes %>
Inbox.create(name: Faker::Lorem.sentence(word_count: 3))
Inbox.first.update(name: SecureRandom.hex)
2. Turbo Frame - form to create inboxes in inboxes/index #
- frame searches for
in inboxes/new.html.erb (and should find it in the partial)
<%= turbo_frame_tag 'inbox_form', src: new_inbox_path, loading: :lazy do %>
<% end %>
- stream new frame to index page (to the current_user in this ActionCable:Broadcast connection)
def create
@inbox = Inbox.new(inbox_params)
respond_to do |format|
if @inbox.save
format.turbo_stream { render turbo_stream: turbo_stream.replace(
partial: 'inboxes/form',
locals: { inbox: Inbox.new }
) }
- wrap the form into a turbo frame
<%= turbo_frame_tag 'inbox_form', target: "_top" do %>
<%= render "form", inbox: @inbox %>
<% end %>
- ALTERNATIVE (not so good?) wrap the form into a turbo frame
<%= turbo_frame_tag 'inbox_form' do %>
<%= form_with(model: inbox) do |form| %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
3. Stimulus to definitely reset input in the form on submit #
- there can be a glitch with input from the form not being removed on form submit. A stimulus controller can help:
<%= form_with(model: inbox, data: { controller: 'reset-form', action: 'turbo:submit-end->reset_form#reset'}) do |form| %>
import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"
export default class extends Controller {
connect() {
console.log("Reset Form Stimulus Controller connected")
reset() {
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