Pagination with Turbo without page refresh: hotwire-turbo-pagination

1. Install Pagy #


bundle add pagy


++  include Pagy::Backend


++  include Pagy::Frontend


  def index
--  @inboxes = Inbox.order(created_at: :desc)
++  # @pagy, @posts = pagy(Inbox.order(created_at: :desc), items: 5)
++  @pagy, @inboxes = pagy(Inbox.order(created_at: :desc))
  • optionally, update the default gem configuration
# config/initializers/pagy.rb

# See
Pagy::DEFAULT[:page] = 1 # default page to start with
Pagy::DEFAULT[:items] = 3 # items per page
Pagy::DEFAULT[:cycle] = true # when on last page, click "Next" to go to first page

require 'pagy/extras/items'
Pagy::DEFAULT[:max_items] = 100 # max items possible per page

require 'pagy/extras/overflow'
Pagy::DEFAULT[:overflow] = :last_page # default (other options: :empty_page and :exception)
  • add the pagination element
  • optionally, add a beautified element, like bootstrap
  • optionally, add links to other quantity of items per page
# app/views/inboxes/index.html.erb
++ <%= @inboxes.count %> <!-- items on this page -->
++ <%= @pagy.count %> <!-- items in total -->
++ <%= link_to_unless_current "10", inboxes_path(items: 10) %>
++ <%= link_to_unless_current "50", inboxes_path(items: 50) %>
++ <%== pagy_nav(@pagy) %>
-- <%#= raw pagy_nav(@pagy) %>
-- <%#== pagy_bootstrap_nav(@pagy) %>

2. Pagination with Turbo Frames #

  • just wrap everything into a turbo frame
  • you can add a link to “refresh” just the content just inside the frame
  • you can also add request.url to see the search query inside the frame
# app/views/inboxes/index.html.erb
++  <%= turbo_frame_tag 'search' do %>
      <%= link_to_unless_current "10", inboxes_path(items: 10) %>
      <%= link_to_unless_current "50", inboxes_path(items: 50) %>
++    <%= link_to 'Clear search', request.path if request.query_parameters.any? %>
++    <%= request.url %>
      <div id="inboxes">
        <%= render @inboxes %>
      <%== pagy_nav(@pagy) %>
++  <% end %>

HOWEVER in the above case, ALL navigation is scoped to the turbo frame.

You will want to make only pagination links work within the turbo_frame, so that you can navigate to an Inbox/show page, for example

  • add , target: '_top' to the turbo_frame_tag
  • add , data: { turbo_frame: 'search' } to the links that should be scoped to the search frame
# app/views/inboxes/index.html.erb
<%= turbo_frame_tag 'search', target: '_top' do %>
--  <%= link_to_unless_current "10", inboxes_path(items: 10) %>
--  <%= link_to_unless_current "50", inboxes_path(items: 50) %>
--  <%= link_to 'Clear search', request.path if request.query_parameters.any? %>
++  <%= link_to_unless_current "3", inboxes_path(items: 3), data: { turbo_frame: 'search' } %>
++  <%= link_to_unless_current "10", inboxes_path(items: 10), data: { turbo_frame: 'search' } %>
++  <%= link_to 'Clear search', request.path, data: { turbo_frame: 'search' } if request.query_parameters.any? %>
  <%= request.url %>
  <div id="inboxes">
    <%= render @inboxes %>
  <%== pagy_nav(@pagy) %>
<% end %>

Next, update the <%== pagy_nav(@pagy) %>:

# app/controllers/inboxes_controller.rb
  def index
--   @pagy, @inboxes = pagy(Inbox.order(created_at: :desc))
++   @pagy, @inboxes = pagy(Inbox.order(created_at: :desc), link_extra: 'data-turbo-frame="search"')

3. Install ViewComponent. Add pagination into a component. #


gem "view_component", require: "view_component/engine"
# console
bin/rails generate component Pagination results
  • initialize pagy in the view component
# app/components/pagination_component.rb
class PaginationComponent < ViewComponent::Base
++  include Pagy::Frontend

++  attr_reader :results

  def initialize(results:)
    @results = results

  • render pagy in the view component view
# app/components/pagination_component.html.erb
++  <%== pagy_nav(results) %>
  • render the pagination component on the index page
# app/views/inboxes/index.html.erb
++  <%= render @pagy) %>

That’s it!

Althrough, it is a problem that there is no simple way to update URL when using turbo.

This way, when you refresh the page, the filters and page don’t persist.

However there is a PR for this

If I find a reliable way to do it with Turbo Drive, I will add it here.
