Browser tab title notifications
The other day I was browsing LinkedIn and I thought of the best way to reproduce it’s iconic way of showing the new notifications counter in the browser tab:
Notice the different favicon (with a red circle), and the title text (with notifications count).
1. Display Notifications count #
Assuming you have a current_user
that has_many :notifications
. Notifications model has seen:boolean, default: false
You would need two separate favicons:
Default favicon
favicon with a notifications symbol
Now you can set a different favicon
and title
each time you refresh/revisit a page in your application:
# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
+<% new_notifications = current_user.notifications.where(seen: [false, nil]) %>
+<% if new_notifications.any? %>
+ <%= favicon_link_tag asset_path('linkedin-notify.png') %>
+ <title>(<%= new_notifications.count %>)LinkedIn</title>
+<% else %>
+ <%= favicon_link_tag asset_path('linkedin.png') %>
+ <title>LinkedIn</title>
+<% end %>
No notifications:
With notifications:
2. Blinking browser tab title #
If you want to be more persuasive, you can make the tab blink
# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
<% new_notifications = current_user.notifications.where(seen: [false, nil]) %>
<% if new_notifications.any? %>
<%= favicon_link_tag asset_path('linkedin-bell.png') %>
- <title>(<%= new_notifications.count %>)LinkedIn</title>
+ <title data-controller="text-blink" data-text-blink-newtitle-value="(<%= new_notifications.count %>) Alerts">LinkedIn</title>
<% else %>
<%= favicon_link_tag asset_path('linkedin.png') %>
<% end %>
To remove the blinking effect when there are no notifications, you have to explicitly disconnect the controller:
// app/javascript/controllers/text_blink_controller.js
import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"
export default class extends Controller {
static values = {
newtitle: String
connect() {
// var newTitle = "(3) Alerts"
// var oldTitle = "LinkedIn"
var newTitle = this.newtitleValue
var oldTitle = document.title
var blink = function() { document.title = document.title == newTitle ? oldTitle : newTitle; }
this.myInterval = setInterval(blink, 1000)
disconnect() {
3. Refresh without page reload #
You can move the page title into a partial, and update it each time a new notification is created using Turbo Stream Broadcasts:
<%#= turbo_stream_from (current_user, :global_notifications) %>
<%= turbo_stream_from :global_notifications %>
# app/controllers/notifications_controller.rb
# Turbo::StreamsChannel.broadcast_replace_to([current_user, :global_notifications],
target: 'page-title',
partial: "shared/page_title")
Anyway, this particular feature does not look like top priority functionality. It does not matter to me.
That’s it! 🎉🥳🍾
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