My Ruby on Rails dev log. Tips and tricks that will save you time.
Total posts: 298 #
Style window.confirm() with Turbo javascript, turbo #
Upgrading to Avo Pro avo #
Random Pagination pagination, pagy #
Monaco Mareterra monaco #
2025 is the year of Markdown. Avo built Marksmith Markdown editor for Rails avo #
Get Youtube video thumbnail image oembed #
Typesense search in a Rails app typesense, search, rails #
Starting an ecommerce store: not so easy. My story shopify, ecommerce #
My VS Code / Cursor plugins in 2025 ruby, rails #
My recommended Jekyll plugins in 2025 ruby, rails #
Start a blog with Jekyll and Github Pages for free jekyll #
My first Ruby gem. hotwire_native_rails hotwire-native, rubygems #
Hotwire Native Rails Helpers hotwire-native #
Conditional templates and Viewport for mobile browsers and native apps hotwire-native, mobile, ruby-on-rails #
Introduction to Nokogiri. Extract core website data nokogiri #
Replace Disqus with Giscus comments jekyll #
Rails UI Frameworks and Component libraries frontend #
Hotwire Native Bridge Nav (UIMenu) Component hotwire-native #
Hotwire Native Bridge Component - Prompt to leave an AppStore review hotwire-native #
Hotwire Native Bridge Menu (Action Sheet) Component hotwire-native #
Custom chapters with Vimeo Player API ruby, rails, youtube, api, vimeo, stimulus #
StimulusJS Cmd Enter to submit form keyboard, hotkeys, stimulusjs, stimulus #
Render Markdown FILES in Rails app rails, markdown #
Use Vimeo API with Ruby on Rails ruby, rails, youtube, api, vimeo #
Sentiment Analysis. Analyze Udemy course reviews sentiment-analysis #
Authentication Zero vs Devise authentication, devise #
Hotwire Native Bridge Form Component with Rails hotwire-native #
Hotwire Native iOS Path Configuration via API hotwire-native #
Hotwire Native Nav Button with icon hotwire-native #
Hotwire Native CSS and TailwindCSS variants (conditionals) hotwire-native #
Hotwire Native iOS - Tabs and design customisation hotwire-native #
Search and Autocomplete UK Company Information uk, open-data, company-search #
Add mentions to a text field with TributeJS mentions, tributejs, stimulusjs #
Prevent images from bouncing on load with gem active_storage-blurhash blurhash, active-storage #
StimulusJS social SHARE button stimulusjs, social-share #
Rails 7.2 native rate limiting rack-attack, rate-limiting #
Generate and display OpenGraph images ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, SEO, meta-tags, ferrum #
French real estate sales database france, open-data, real-estate-search #
Navigating Turbo Native: where to start hotwire-native #
Search and Autocomplete French Company Information france, open-data, company-search #
Map guide to Corsica travel #
FR-DE EU Electronic eInvoicing standard (FacturX, ZUGFeRD) invoice, regulation, eu, facturx, zugferd #
Rails 8 Authentication generator: user registration rails, devise, authentication #
Rails 8 Authentication generator: user sign in rails, devise, authentication #
TailwindCSS on Rails: Dark Mode rails, tailwindcss, dark-mode #
TailwindCSS on Rails: Minimize Collapsible Sidebar rails, tailwindcss #
Sign in with Apple in a Rails app oauth, apple, ios, omniauth #
i18n basics. Change current app language. i18n, translations, locales #
Automatic i18n. Gem i18n-tasks. Phrase. Weglot. i18n, translations, locales, phrase, weglot #
Sell access to a GitHub repo. Automatically add/remove collaborators github, api #
TailwindCSS on Rails: reusable button variants rails, tailwindcss #
CFP - Hotwire Datatables with Rails. Frontend tips and tricks cfp, life #
Track change history of attributes and display diff rails, git, diff, frontend, diffy, audited #
Tailwind CSS Bottom Navigation rails, tailwindcss, animation, page-transition #
Rails 8 will be a PWA (Progressive Web App) by default! pwa, rails #
Embedded Stripe Checkout stripe #
Cannes-Paris: Car vs Train vs Plane travelling #
Manage active sessions in Rails 2024 security, pentest #
Turbo 8 Prefetch (InstantClick) turbo-rails, prefetch, instantclick #
Guest User Record (guest mode) authentication, guest-mode #
Import ICS events to calendar rails, icalendar, ics #
How to access localhost anywhere with ngrok ngrok #
Build a calendar from zero (Month view) ruby-on-rails, calendar #
Generate PDF and PNG with Ferrum (headless Chrome API) ruby-on-rails, ferrum, pdf, html-to-pdf, headless-chrome #
Calendar pagination with Pagy ruby, rails, calendar, pagination #
My 2023 summary and 2024 plans yearbook #
Country select dropdown. Why does country_select gem even exist? rails, country, select #
Does Turbo 8 morphing make sense? rails, hotwire, turbo, morphing #
HTML to PDF in Rails with gem DocRaptor (successor of wicked_pdf) rails, pdf, wicked_pdf, active-storage #
Testing Rails cache caching, testing #
Revised: Hotwire Turbo Modals with HTML Dialog hotwire, turbo, modals, dialog #
Custom Turbo Stream Actions rails, hotwire, turbo-streams, modals #
Search multiple models ruby-on-rails #
Generate barcodes on the frontend with JsBarcode barcode, jsbarcode, stimulusjs #
StimulusJS Keyboard Hotkeys (Keyboard navigation) tabs, stimulusjs #
Crazy, stupid page transition animation with StimulusJS and TailwindCSS rails, tailwindcss, animation, page-transition #
Progress animation with HTML meter element and javascript rails, stimulusjs, html #
Modals with HTML dialog element, TailwindCSS and StimulusJS rails, dialog, modal, tailwindcss #
TailwindCSS on Rails 03: Responsive content layout. Grid, Flex, Center rails, tailwindcss, grid, flex #
TailwindCSS on Rails 02: Responsive dropdown menu rails, tailwindcss #
TailwindCSS on Rails 01: Responsive layout with sidebar rails, tailwindcss #
Heroku upload local database to production ruby on rails, heroku, postgresql #
Use Gem Rack-attack with Devise and Rails 7 rack-attack, rate-limiting #
DRY custom error pages ruby-on-rails,, error-pages,, 404 #
Image scraping with Rails. Save image from URL to ActiveStorage ruby, rails, active-storage #
Finding similar/related posts/products based on matching tags ruby, rails, tags, content, algorythm, similar-products, similar-posts, related-products, related-posts #
Use Sidekiq in Development and Production ruby, rails, active-job, sidekiq #
Use YouTube API with Ruby on Rails ruby, rails, youtube, api #
DateRangePicker with StimulusJS, Importmaps, gem Ransack ruby-on-rails, stimulusjs, daterangepicker #
API pagination with Pagy ruby-on-rails, rails-api, pagination #
API Tracking and Usage limiting ruby-on-rails, rails-api #
API documentation with OpenAPI and Swagger using gem Rswag ruby-on-rails, rails-api, swagger, openapi #
Rails CRUD API requests with Faraday ruby-on-rails, rails-api, faraday #
Rails CRUD API requests with cURL ruby-on-rails, rails-api, curl #
Build a Public-facing Rails API with Bearer token authentication ruby-on-rails, rails-api, bearer #
Testing Devise authentication with Minitest and Faker ruby, rails, minitest, faker #
Test Omniauth authentication (github, azure) ruby on rails, omniauth, testing, minitest, github, azure #
Omniauth with Microsoft (Azure Active Directory) ruby on rails, microsoft, azure, omniauth #
EU Ruby conferences in 2023 conference, meetup #
Find a saved WIFI password on Windows 10 or Windows 11 windows, password #
Broadcaster pattern for Turbo Streams Broadcasts ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, hotwire, turbo, broadcasts #
14 Ruby on Rails and 7 Hotwire interview questions in 2023 ruby on rails, interview, recruiting, HR #
ChatGPT exists. Should I stop writing? writing, chatgpt #
TLDR: Rails 7 Active Record Encryption ruby on rails, credentials, encryption, secrets #
Trello Clone: drag, drop and save changes with Ranked-Model, SortableJs and RequestJs trello, requestjs, sortable-js, request-js, ranked-model, acts_as_list, sort #
Best practices for writing and collaborating on Rails code ruby-on-rails, best-practices, design-patterns #
What's the difference between Rails 4, Rails 5, Rails 6 and Rails 7? ruby-on-rails #
Style default error pages in a Rails app ruby-on-rails,, error-pages,, 404 #
Reverse Engineering Pipplet Database Architecture database, architecture #
Recent search history with Kredis ruby-on-rails, redis, kredis #
Send SMS with Twilio in Rails ruby, rails, twilio #
Realtime Online User Tracking with Actioncable and Rails ruby, rails, kredis, action-cable, hotwire, turbo, broadcasts #
Live Visit Count for website or page. ActionCable, Turbo Broadcasts, Kredis ruby, rails, kredis, action-cable, hotwire, turbo, broadcasts #
How to use the Browser Geolocation API with Rails ruby, rails, geolocation, geocoder #
gem MapkickJS for beautiful JavaScript maps with one line of Ruby ruby, rails, mapkick #
gem Geocoder - calculate coordinates, distances, search nearby ruby, rails, geocoder #
Parse JSON with Ruby on Rails ruby, rails, json #
Parse YAML with Ruby on Rails ruby, rails, yaml, yml #
Omniauth without Devise ruby-on-rails, devise, omniauth, github, testing #
Complete guide to iCalendar events with Ruby ical, icalendar, ruby-on-rails #
Notes on using ActionMailer ruby-on-rails, action_mailer #
Browser tab title notifications stimulusjs, html, rails #
CSS: make text on image readable css #
Hotwire Search Infinite Pagination ruby-on-rails-7, hotwire, turbo #
Hotwire Turbo: Edit each attribute inline ruby-on-rails-7, hotwire, turbo #
Process ActiveJob background jobs with gem good_job and Postgres without Redis active-job, good-job, background-jobs, postgresql #
Use Service Objects ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, service-objects #
Passwordless: log in with magic link passwordless, authentication, magic-link #
StimulusJS advanced copy to clipboard stimulusjs #
Slim Select with StimulusJS ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, turbo, stimulusjs #
Highlight @ mentions, convert # hashtags to links ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails #
Deploy to DigitalOcean App Platform in Production ruby-on-rails, production, digitalocean #
Slack API. Send text, markdown and files to Slack ruby-on-rails, slack #
Github Actions. CI/CD basics ruby-on-rails, github-actions, ci, cd #
Estimated reading time calculator with Ruby ruby #
RGB complimentary colors (opposite colors) in Ruby ruby, rails #
Autogenerate and store images with Rmagick and Imagemagick with ActiveStorage ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, turbo, stimulusjs #
Convert integer to time (hh:mm:ss) ruby #
Link to previous page if internal request rails, ruby-on-rails #
My journey through hackathons and startup weekends hackathon, startup #
Double loading StimulusJS controllers ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, turbo, stimulusjs #
Use SwearJar to moderate and censor bad words. **** you! ruby-on-rails, profanity, moderation #
auto-style your html.erb with gem erb-lint ruby-on-rails, erb, haml, code-quality #
StimulusJS Tabs tabs, stimulusjs #
Export CSV from Rails ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, export, excel, xls, xlsx, csv, download #
Import CSV to Rails ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, export, excel, xls, xlsx, csv, download #
Load partials async with Turbo Frames ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, turbo, hotwire #
StimulusJS checkboxes. Select all. Deselect all bulk-actions, mass-params, stimulusjs #
Mass update selected records ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, bulk-actions, mass-params #
Gem Kredis #2 - recently visited pages ruby-on-rails, redis, kredis #
Gem Kredis #1 - access Redis via ActiveRecord ruby-on-rails, redis, kredis #
Accept cookies consent banner in Rails ruby-on-rails, gdpr, cookies #
SVG in Rails. Gem inline_svg ruby-on-rails, inline_svg, svg #
Stop writing strftime ruby-on-rails, strftime #
Chained select fields for gem City-State. Dynamic forms ruby-on-rails, hotwire, turbo, city-state, chained-select #
Chained select fields for custom data structures ruby-on-rails, hotwire, turbo, chained-select #
First steps to learning Web Development thoughts, web-development #
My thoughts about Web Development in 2022 thoughts, web-development #
Classless CSS frameworks rails, html, css #
Semantic HTML in Ruby on Rails rails, html #
Fontawesome + Importmaps + Rails 7 ruby-on-rails, fontawesome #
gem acts_as_votable 4: cached votes, vote scopes, Hotwire ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, acts_as_votable, hotwire, turbo #
Hotwire Turbo Frames: Hovercards ruby, hotwire #
Integrate MarkedJS Markdown Parser into a Rails app markdown, marked, stimulusjs #
Live form validations and error rendering. Live markdown preview ruby, rails, html, stimulusjs, forms, markdown #
StimulusJS Textarea autogrow stimulusjs #
StimulusJS Dropdown stimulusjs #
🛑🇷🇺 Block access to your software from Russia IPs rails, Ukraine, rUssia #
TIL: Pass a Hash to Flash rails, today-i-learned #
Tip: distance_of_time_in_percent ruby #
#21 Hotwire Turbo: The one right way to do Modals ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, hotwire, turbo, tldr, modals, tailwind, viewcomponent #
Gem data-migrate - an essential gem! ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, database, migrations #
Quick tip: Using Partials to Simplify Views ruby-on-rails, tldr, layouts #
Stimulus JS: A Basic Dropdown controller stimulusjs #
#20 Turbo Streams: autocomplete search ruby-on-rails-7, hotwire, turbo, autocomplete #
#19 FORM_WITH: conditionally respond with html OR turbo_stream ruby-on-rails-7, hotwire, turbo, form_with #
#18 BUTTON_TO: conditionally respond with html OR turbo_stream ruby-on-rails-7, hotwire, turbo, button_to #
TIP: if-else, case-when, hash? ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, tiny-tip #
TIP: Rendering partials and collections ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, tiny-tip, action-view #
#17 Turbo Streams: Broadcasts ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, hotwire, turbo, broadcasts #
Install Ruby on Rails 7 ruby-on-rails-7,, ubuntu #
Emoji select with `gem unicode-emoji` ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, unicode, emoji #
TIL: HTML tags I did not know about ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, today-i-learned, html #
TIL: date_select VS date_field ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, today-i-learned, html #
TIL: Loading animation for a Skeleton loader html, css, today-i-learned #
#16 Turbo Streams: Edit Modal. ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, hotwire, turbo, modals #
Tip: Automatically annotate rails views ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, action-view, viewcomponent #
#15 Turbo Streams CRUD ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, hotwire, turbo, CRUD #
StimulusJS autopaste controller ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, stimulus #
Make Devise work with Hotwire Turbo and Rails 7 ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, devise, turbo, hotwire #
Pretty URLs with gem friendly_id ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, friendly_id #
RE-REVISED: Polymorphism 101. Part 5 of 3. Even better Polymorphic Comments ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, polymorphism, polymorphic-associations, comments #
TIP: URL helper: Redirect to previous page ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, url #
Validate uniqueness on the database level ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, postgresql, active-record #
#13 Turbo Streams: 5 ways to render View Components ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, hotwire, turbo, viewcomponent #
Paginate/Tab records by any attribute ruby, rails, calendar, ruby-on-rails, pagination, tabs #
Basic CSS for new Rails projects without a CSS Framework ruby-on-rails, css #
#12 Turbo: Pagination with gem Pagy, ViewComponent without page refresh ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, hotwire, turbo, view-component, pagination, pagy #
#11 Turbo Frames - Load content only when a dropdown is opened ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, hotwire, turbo, turbo-frames, dropdowns #
#10 Turbo Streams - Create and stream records. Flash messages. Reusable Streams ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, hotwire, turbo, turbo-streams, flash #
Gem Meta Tags for better SEO ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, SEO, meta-tags #
#9 Turbo Frame Tabs ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, hotwire, turbo, tabs #
#8 Hotwire Turbo: Tabbed content with Turbo Streams ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, hotwire, turbo #
ONLY Omniauth login with Devise (without email registration) ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, devise, omniauth #
Tiny Tip: Inline if-else statements ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, if-else, tiny-tip #
#7 Hotwire Turbo Frames: Search without page refresh. Stimulus. Ransack ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, hotwire, turbo, ransack, stimulus #
5 ways to associate current_user with record on create ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, users, associations #
Generate Entity-Relationsip-Diagrams (ERD) from a Rails app ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, erd #
#6 Hotwire Turbo: Increment likes count without any page refreshes ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, hotwire, turbo #
#5 Turbo: Button to update status and refresh frame. Edit inboxes inline ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, hotwire, turbo #
Tiny Tip: URL and link helpers. ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, request-params, url_for, link_to #
#4 Turbo Frame - Sort records without page refresh. Sorting without a gem. ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, request-params, hotwire, turbo #
Tiny Tip: Debug current request in views ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, devise #
Current attribute. Access current_user from model ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, devise #
#3 Turbo: Keep the audio playing after changing the page with data-turbo-permanent ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, hotwire, turbo, audio, mp3, turbo-drive #
#2 Turbo Stream inboxes to inboxes/index. Lazy load form. Replace form on submit. ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, hotwire, turbo #
#1 Turbo Stream messages to inbox. Render errors ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, hotwire, turbo #
Install and use ActiveAdmin in 13 steps ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, active-admin #
HTTP Basic authentication ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, http-authentication #
Generate a BARCODE for a Product ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, active-storage, barcode, service-objects #
Generate a QR code for a Product and store it in ActiveStorage. Service Objects ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, service-objects, active-storage, qr-code #
Select or Create Tags with Tom-Select without jQuery (VanillaJS) ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, vanilla-js, no-jquery, stimulus #
Gem Traceroutes - find routes without controller actions, actions without routes ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, code-quality #
Gem Public Activity: Complete guide to total surveillance ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, public_activity, surveillance #
Export from database table to Excel Workbook. Level 1 ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, export, excel, xls, xlsx, csv, download #
Quick tip: Helper to display different text based on time of day ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, helpers, rspec #
gem Draper: abstract view logic from the model ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, draper, views, decorators #
Boolean Checkbox array - easier than you think! ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, checkboxes, array #
Procfile: automatically run migrations on Heroku deploy ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, heroku, procfile #
Install and use Rubocop - TLDR ruby, rails, rubyonrails, rubocop, code-quality #
Stimulus Read More - MY WAY!!! stimulusjs #
Rails authorization with gem Pundit ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, pundit, authorization, roles #
Rails enums - different approaches ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, enums #
Ruby on Rails 6+: install jQuery with yarn and webpacker ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, jquery, webpacker, yarn #
gem acts_as_votable 3: vote search scopes ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, acts_as_votable #
config_for settings.yml ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, settings, config_for, config, yml #
REVISED: Polymorphism 101. Part 4 of 3. Polymorphic Comments ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, polymorphism, polymorphic-associations, comments, ajax, js-erb #
Quick tip: Permit params by current user roles ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, authorization, roles, params #
Edit Rolify roles for a User ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, rolify #
Markdown Level 2. Style markdown css with gem Rouge ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, markdown, redcarpet, rouge #
Migrating from Bootstrap 4 to Bootstrap 5 ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, markdown #
Add Markdown to your Rails app ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, markdown #
Role scopes with gem Rolify ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, rolify #
Install and use gem pg_search ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, pg_search #
Stimulus Rails - Count characters in input field (+ add css if > 140 characters) ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, stimulus #
Stimulus Rails - Count characters in input field ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, stimulus #
StimulusJS - Display or hide HMTL based on field input stimulus #
Install Stimulus on Ruby on Rails 6 ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, stimulus, yarn, webpacker #
Display or hide div based on field input (RoR + JS) ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, javascript #
Add social log in with Github (Omniauth) ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, devise, omniauth, github #
Complete guide to generating PDFs with gem wicked_pdf ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, pdf, wicked_pdf #
install and troubleshoot mysql ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, mysql, mariadb #
gem acts_as_votable 2: reddit-style up and down voting ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, acts_as_votable, ajax, js-erb #
gem acts_as_votable 1: Like and Dislike posts with Vanilla JS ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, acts_as_votable, ajax, js-erb #
Discount coupon: Ruby on Rails 6: Learn 25+ gems and build a Startup MVP 2020 udemy, ruby on rails, premium tutorial, screencasts, video course, elearning, mvp, startup, boilerplate #
Launching course: Ruby on Rails - Learn to Build a Multitenancy Subscriptions SaaS app MVP gumroad, ruby on rails, premium tutorial, screencasts, video course, multitenancy, saas, subscription, mvp, startup, boilerplate #
Install Bootstrap 5 with Ruby on Rails 6+. Yarn, Webpack. Popovers, Tooltips. StimulusJS ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, bootstrap, webpack, yarn, stimulus #
Telegram Part 3. Authentication. Bot to send private messages ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, telegram, bots, httparty #
Telegram Part 2. Notification for CRUD actions ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, telegram, bots, httparty #
Search field without gems ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, search #
counter_cache - count how many children a records has ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails #
Telegram Part 1. Button to send group messages ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, telegram, bots, httparty #
Button to update status attribute of a table ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, polymorphism, polymorphic-associations #
Polymorphism 101. Part 3 of 3. ActsAsTaggable without a gem. SelectizeJS ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, polymorphism, polymorphic-associations, tags, selectize-js, jquery #
Polymorphism 101. Part 2 of 3. Polymorphic Payments inside-out. ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, polymorphism, polymorphic-associations #
Polymorphism 101. Part 1 of 3. Polymorphic Comments. ruby, rails, ruby-on-rails, polymorphism, polymorphic-associations #
Custom scaffold templates railsbytes, rubidium, generators, templates, scaffolds, rails, ruby-on-rails-6 #
Sending emails in production with Amazon SES ruby-on-rails, action_mailer, amazon-ses, aws, sendgrid #
Install and use gem invisible_captcha with devise ruby-on-rails, devise, invisible_captcha #
styling for true false values ruby-on-rails, helpers, bootstrap #
One hash field to manage all user roles ruby-on-rails, jsonb, store_accessor #
HAML or ERB for Ruby on Rails development in 2021? haml, erb, ruby, rails #
Ruby on Rails 6: Disappearing flash messages with toastr ruby-on-rails, flash, toastr #
Navbar with Devise and Bootstrap (4, 5) ruby on rails, devise #
Add custom error pages in a Rails app ruby-on-rails,, error-pages,, 404 #
How to use Credentials in Ruby on Rails 6? TLDR ruby on rails, credentials, secrets, tldr #
How to use Credentials in Ruby on Rails 6? Full guide ruby on rails, credentials, secrets #
SaaS: How to code the subscriptions business model? ruby on rails, tutorial, premium, subscription, saas, mvp, startup #
How to Embed Youtube videos with ActionText? TLDR ruby-on-rails, actiontext, youtube, embed, tldr #
How to load Heroku production database in development? ruby on rails, heroku, postgresql #
Write skinny scaffolds and generators ruby-on-rails #
Ruby on Rails: How to setup Postgresql? TLDR ubuntu, postgres, pg, postgresql, ruby on rails #
How to Install FontAwesome with Yarn and Webpacker in Rails 6? fontawesome, webpacker, ruby-on-rails-6 #
Ruby on Rails: templates and generators in 2020 ruby on rails, templates, generators, boilerplates #
Rails 6: Install Bootstrap 4 with Yarn and Webpacker: TLDR webpacker, yarn, bootstrap, ruby on rails 6, ruby on rails, tldr #
Rails 6: Install Bootstrap with Yarn and Webpacker: Full guide webpacker, yarn, bootstrap, ruby on rails 6, ruby on rails #
Push to github without re-entering password (connect SSH key) github, git, ssh #
Highlight link to current page ruby on rails, html #
Ruby on Rails: Dark Mode: TLDR ruby on rails, dark mode, dark theme, bootstrap, tldr #
Quick tip: Footer on the bottom of the page: TLDR ruby on rails, tldr, footer, html, css #
Install Ruby on Rails 6 with Webpacker and Yarn on Ubuntu: TLDR ruby on rails 6, installation, ubuntu, webpacker, yarn, tldr #
Install Ruby on Rails 5 on Ubuntu: TLDR ruby on rails 5, installation, ubuntu, webpacker, yarn, tldr #
3 months on Skillshare. My results skillshare, online courses, elearning #
Build a Trello clone with Ruby on Rails, RankedModel and jQuery Sortable ruby on rails, jquery, ranked-model, drag and drop, sortable #
Tracking Online Users using Timestamps ruby, rails #
Memo - Rails ActiveRecord data types ruby on rails #
Just hit 100 sales and $900 on Udemy!!! [RoR course] udemy, online courses, elearning #
$1000 in AWS credits for startups (For free) aws, startup, accelerator #